
Exploring robotics in marine protected areas, 2020

Exploring robotics in marine protected areas, 2020

LarvalBots for Coral Reef Seeding, 2020

Advanced coral toolkit, 2020

Advanced coral toolkit, 2020

Marine Banking & Sequencing Accelerator, 2020

Coral restoration via larval propagation, 2020

Developing conceptual models for eDNA, 2020

National eDNA workshop, 2020

eDNA index development for benthic invertebrates, 2020

Palau MPA monitoring with eDNA, 2020

Deploying nitrogen removing biofilters in sensitive coastal communities, 2020

Ocean Solutions Accelerator, 2020

Coral reef acoustic monitoring, 2020

Tracking alternative seafood industry developments, 2020

Exploration of fisheries management technology, 2020

Urban Water Challenge 2020, 2020

Technologies to prevent extinctions, 2020

SeaAhead’s Blue Swell incubator program, 2020

Washington Pacific Coast eDNA pilot, 2020

Mapping hotspots of human sewage input into the ocean globally, 2019

Economic and environmental implications of clean seafood, 2019

Exploring ocean “sense of place” through social network data, 2019

Marine wildlife vulnerability mapping, 2019

Marine wildlife vulnerability mapping, 2019

Sustainable seafood program at New York Aquarium, 2019

Exploring seafood alternatives, 2019

Marine Sentinel project support, 2020

Monitoring water quality in the Mesoamerican Reef, 2020

Plant-based and clean-meat alternatives to seafood analysis, 2018

Sustainable Seafood Initiative, 2018

Ocean genomics horizon scan, 2018

Exploration of the ocean’s role in carbon drawdown, 2018

Ocean conservation investment and gap analysis, 2018

Evaluation of the sustainability of cell-based seafood, 2019

Technology scan of mass spectrometers, 2019

Global Ocean Watch concept development, 2019

Sustainable Seafood Initiative, 2019

Cell-based Seafood Scientific Research, 2019

LarvalBots for Coral Reef Seeding, 2019

Ocean genomics horizon scan, 2019

OceanSafe feasibility study, 2019