
Chondriabots, 2023

Developing scalable sensors for in situ measurements for seawater total alkalinity, 2023

Dominican Republic Marine Innovation Hub for Coral Restoration, 2023

Molecular Monitoring of Fisheries, 2023

Offshore Methane Sensing Evaluation, 2023

Developing tools for eDNA analysis in marine species management, 2023

Evaluating eDNA as a monitoring tool for management of ESA rockfish, 2023

Developing SCNR Sensors for nitrogen removal, 2023

MPABots, 2023

Development of dissolved gas sensor – Sensor for Aqueous Gases in the Environment (SAGE), 2022, 2023

Seagrass Planting Pilot, 2023

Ocean Acidification landscape research support, 2023

Coral Restoration Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Support, 2023

Wild Genomes-Kelp Ecosystems RFP support, 2023

Using transgenesis to produce seagrass plants with enhanced resistance to specific abiotic stressors, 2023

Dominican Republic Marine Innovation Hub for Coral Restoration, 2023

Optimization of Coral Larval Seeding, 2023

integrating metrics of biodiversity into reef ecological measurements to identify conservation and restoration priority areas in Moorea, 2023

Measuring rapid changes in the carbonate chemistry in seagrass ecosystems, 2023

Advancing electronic monitoring in fisheries via edge-based compute, 2023

Dominican Republic Marine Innovation Hub for Coral Restoration, 2023

Seagrass Restoration landscape research and convening support, 2023

SeaAhead Blue Swell incubator program support, 2023

Bristlemouth Connectivity Standard, 2023

Ocean Exchange program and Transportation Hub Award, 2023

Integrating eDNA into reef ecological measurements to identify conservation and restoration priority areas in Moorea, 2023

Decoding Communication in Nonhuman Species II workshop support, 2023

Science Engine program support, 2023

CoralBots, 2023

Quantifind/JAC Partnership, 2023

Dominican Republic Marine Innovation Hub for Coral Restoration, 2023

Improving capacity to monitor seagrass extent, cover, and condition for restoration, 2023

Coastal Water Challenge, 2023

Water Innovation Pilot Fund, 2023

Using transgenesis to produce seagrass plants with enhanced resistance to specific abiotic stressors, 2023

Omics’ Technology Workshop Support, 2023

Sharkbots, 2023

Developing and validating eDNA-based tools for tracing blue carbon in kelp habitats, 2023

Improving aquatic eDNA targeting using the Nucleic Acid Barcode Identification Tool (NABIT) Platform, 2023

Dominican Republic Marine Innovation Hub for Coral Restoration, 2023

General operating support, 2023

Informing a US national strategy for eDNA applications, 2023

Improving sustainability of demersal trawl fisheries, 2023

Modification of the SeaLion-pHAT sensor for in situ pore water sampling of seagrass ecosystems, 2022

Development of an improved carbon-negative water recycling and resource recovery process technology, 2022

Development of low-cost imaging floats for oCDR MRV efforts, 2022

In support of the eDNA Collaborative Lab, 2022

Exploring uncertainty around carbon emissions associated with bottom trawling, 2022

Development of MPABots to strengthen enforcement and detect IUU fishing in MPAs, 2022

Development of dissolved gas sensor – Sensor for Aqueous Gases in the Environment (SAGE), 2022

In support of the Seafood and Fisheries Emerging Technologies (SAFET) conference, 2022

Utilization of eDNA tools for Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary management, 2022

Deployment of AUVs to map reefs, detect & quantify stony coral tissue loss disease, 2022

Promote development and fielding of new biotechnologies to greatly benefit coral restoration efforts, 2022

Advance consideration of eDNA methods as a tool of resource management and biodiversity conservation, 2022

Expand Ocean Exchange prize programs and increase program capacity, 2022

Development of Cerulean, a remote sensing platform that detects oil slicks from space, 2022

Development of marine eDNA decay rate models to enhance ocean monitoring, 2022

Development of technology to scale up coral restoration through automation tools, 2022

Island Ocean Connections Longitudinal Study, 2022

Development of genetic markers for seagrass restoration efforts, 2022

Establishment of a co-design lab and test bed for rapid ocean technology development (Synchro), 2022

In support of continued research & development of ESP cartridge, 2022

Development of hydrophone technology for marine protected area monitoring, 2022

Development of ship navigation radar dataloggers and infrastructure, 2022

Development of autonomous 3D Mapping with Coral Gardeners, a project of Barrel Bag, 2022

Development of ReefOS, an AI platform for monitoring health of reef ecosystem and health, a project of Barrel Bag, 2022

Development of real-time classifier of illegal trawl data, 2022

Using eDNA to improve marine conservation, 2021

Isochoric freezing of coral fragments, 2021

Lab-scale demonstration of energy-positive wastewater treatment, 2021

Development of ecoDASH, 2021

Coral resilience to thermal stress, 2021

eDNA sampling in the National Estuarine Research Reserves, 2021

Preventing ecosystem destruction by Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease, 2021

Nitrogen reduction technology solutions for ocean discharges, 2021

Exploring robotics in marine protected areas, 2021

Remote sensing of illegal bottom trawling on a global scale, 2021

Sound Science: Using healthy soundscapes to restore reefs, 2021

Development of technology to reduce bycatch in fishing nets, 2022

Acoustophoretic flow cell for nutrient sensing, 2021

Fieldable probe for coral genetic analysis, 2021

CoralBots, 2021

General operating support, 2021

General operating support for the Ocean Exchange, 2021

Isochoric freezing of coral fragments, 2021

Developing urchin markets, 2021

Urban Water Challenge 2021 and 2022, 2021

Scaling drones for island-marine habitat restoration, 2021

MIT Solve’s Resilient Ecosystems Challenge Marine Solutions, 2021

SeaAhead’s Blue Swell incubator program, 2021

General operating support, 2021

Remote sensing of the ocean, 2021

Fieldable microarray development, 2021

In support of Coral Gardeners, a project of Barrel Bag, 2021

Xview3 competition, 2021

Coral propagation automation, 2021

Developing an algal bioreactor to remove nutrients and pathogens from wastewater, 2020

Marine and Coastal Horizon Scan 2021, 2020

eDNA analysis for environmental assessments, 2020