Why this work matters

We Live on an Ocean Planet.

The ocean is essential to sustaining life on Earth, from regulating the planet’s temperature to generating half of the oxygen that we breathe. Over 90% of the habitable space on Earth is underwater. This is an ocean planet.

Marine ecosystems are under increasing strain.
For decades, the human footprint on the ocean has been expanding. Overfishing, coastal development and associated habitat loss and pollution have steadily chipped away at the integrity of marine ecosystems. Compounding those pressures, the accelerating impacts of climate change are increasingly clear. Climate change’s growing effects on the marine environment are both subtle (ocean acidification, shifting fish stocks, rising sea levels) and stark (from the accelerated melting of polar ice to extensive coral reef bleaching in the tropics).

We need to reverse these trends.
We also recognize that positive, lasting change in this context is not easy. It requires a collective effort.

In pursuing this work, our central values include:

  • Leadership

    Transformative change requires strong leaders and well-managed organizations with the resources to deliver. We seek to support capable leaders who can execute on a compelling mission. A compelling mission or great idea without that capacity is unlikely to succeed.

  • Humility

    We recognize that we are only a small part of the changes that we seek. Oceankind’s main function is to enable and strengthen our partners to achieve impact. We fundamentally trust our partners to direct their own work, and are honored to support their efforts.

  • Flexibility

    The policy and technology landscapes are constantly shifting, often in unpredicted ways. We encourage our partners to proactively adapt their plans and objectives in response to these changing contexts.

  • Creativity

    We strive to remain open to new information and approaches. Part of our mission involves exploring the topics and solutions at the edge of common practice and understanding.

  • Integrity

    We hold ourselves accountable to use the resources entrusted to us responsibly, setting ambitious goals and striving to be excellent partners and collaborators.

Oceankind is committed to fostering an equitable and inclusive organizational culture. We strive to be true to this commitment in our norms and interactions with each other, thought partners, and grantees. Oceankind is working to incorporate equitable grantmaking practices into our philanthropic approach and internal processes. We recognize the importance of historically under-invested communities in creating durable conservation impacts in marine and coastal environments, and will continue to look for ways to learn from diverse perspectives in our work.