
Dominican Republic Marine Innovation Hub for Coral Restoration, 2023

General operating support, 2023

Strategic communications on climate, energy and ocean objectives, 2023

General operating support for Ocean Conservancy’s work at the intersection of oceans and climate, 2023

Coral Restoration Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Support, 2023

Wild Genomes-Kelp Ecosystems RFP support, 2023

Dominican Republic Marine Innovation Hub for Coral Restoration, 2023

Optimization of Coral Larval Seeding, 2023

General operating support for Ocean Sewage Alliance, a project of Multiplier, 2023

Program support to decarbonize shipping and advance offshore wind in South Korea, 2023

General operating support for Urban Ocean Lab, a project of Multiplier, 2023

integrating metrics of biodiversity into reef ecological measurements to identify conservation and restoration priority areas in Moorea, 2023

Dominican Republic Marine Innovation Hub for Coral Restoration, 2023

General operating support, grant 1, 2023

General operating support, grant 2, 2023

Ocean Exchange program and Transportation Hub Award, 2023

General operating support, 2023

In support of the Special Initiative on Offshore Wind, a project of Multiplier, 2023

Advancing the Rich North Sea project on responsible offshore wind, 2023

Advancing responsible offshore wind development in the United States, 2023

General operating support, 2023

Integrating eDNA into reef ecological measurements to identify conservation and restoration priority areas in Moorea, 2023

Supporting multistakeholder dialogue around responsible offshore wind in South Korea, 2023

CoralBots, 2023

Dominican Republic Marine Innovation Hub for Coral Restoration, 2023

Program support for decarbonizing maritime shipping, 2023

Program support for decarbonizing maritime shipping, 2023

Dominican Republic Marine Innovation Hub for Coral Restoration, 2023

General operating support, 2023

General operating support, 2023

To advance ocean conservation and ocean-climate action, 2022

Advancing responsible offshore wind in the United States, 2022

Project support to advance ocean-climate goals, 2023

Program support to advance marine conservation in the US, 2023

Program support to advance ocean-climate goals, 2023

Program support to advance ocean-climate goals, 2023

Engaging on marine spatial planning and ocean-climate issues in Germany, 2023

Deployment of AUVs to map reefs, detect & quantify stony coral tissue loss disease, 2022

Environmentally friendly energy transition in the European Seas, 2022

Environmentally friendly energy transition in the European Seas, 2022

Promote development and fielding of new biotechnologies to greatly benefit coral restoration efforts, 2022

Development of Cerulean, a remote sensing platform that detects oil slicks from space, 2022

Expanding shipping decarbonization work in Korea, 2022

Advancing responsible offshore wind in South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, and the Philippines, 2022

Development of technology to scale up coral restoration through automation tools, 2022

In support of Turn Forward, a project of Multiplier, 2022

Ocean Climate Program, 2022

A study exploring the potential for offshore wind in the United States, 2022

Advancing responsible offshore wind in the United States, 2022, 2022

Advancing responsible offshore wind in the United States, 2022, 2022

Advancing responsible offshore wind in the United States, 2022, 2022

In support of the Ocean Defense Initiative, a project of Resources Legacy Fund, 2022

General operating support, 2022

Program support for the Ports for People campaign, 2022

Research on decarbonizing marine energy, 2022

Explore shipping decarbonization and carbon storage, 2022

Biodiversity Funders Group marine program support, 2022

Development of autonomous 3D Mapping with Coral Gardeners, a project of Barrel Bag, 2022

Development of ReefOS, an AI platform for monitoring health of reef ecosystem and health, a project of Barrel Bag, 2022

In support of the Energy Transition Fund, a project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA), 2022

In support of the Energy Transition Fund, a project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA), 2022

Support to decarbonize shipping in Europe, 2022

In support of the Global Gas and Oil Network, a project of Sustainable Markets Foundation, 2022

Isochoric freezing of coral fragments, 2021

Coral resilience to thermal stress, 2021

Preventing ecosystem destruction by Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease, 2021

Program support for decarbonizing shipping and advancing responsible offshore wind, 2021

Sound Science: Using healthy soundscapes to restore reefs, 2021

Advancing responsible offshore wind in California, 2021

Program support for shipping decarbonization, 2021

Fieldable probe for coral genetic analysis, 2021

CoralBots, 2021

General operating support, 2021

General operating support for the Ocean Exchange, 2021

Program support for ocean-climate explorations, 2021

Isochoric freezing of coral fragments, 2021

Advancing responsible offshore wind in the United States, 2021

Advancing responsible offshore wind in the United States, 2021

Advancing responsible offshore wind in California, 2021

Program support for decarbonizing shipping, 2021

Advancing responsible offshore wind in the United States, 2021

Advancing responsible offshore wind in Japan, 2021

Project support to scope remote sensing of the ocean, 2021

Remote sensing of the ocean, 2021

Program support for the ocean and climate programs, 2021

Fieldable microarray development, 2021

In support of Coral Gardeners, a project of Barrel Bag, 2021

Program support for decarbonizing shipping, 2021

Advancing responsible offshore wind in Japan, 2021

Coral propagation automation, 2021

Contribution to the Carbon Dioxide Removal Fund, 2020

Program support for decarbonizing shipping and decarbonizing the marine economy, 2020

Project support to advance ocean-climate goals, 2021

Financial analysis of oceans and climate, 2021

Program support to advance marine conservation, 2021

Program support for ocean-climate work, 2020

Advanced coral toolkit, 2020

Advanced coral toolkit, 2020

Marine Banking & Sequencing Accelerator, 2020

Coral restoration via larval propagation, 2020