
Chondriabots, 2023

Molecular Monitoring of Fisheries, 2023

Offshore Methane Sensing Evaluation, 2023

Developing SCNR Sensors for nitrogen removal, 2023

MPABots, 2023

WILDOCEANS program support, 2023

2030 CITES shark and ray strategy, 2023

Protection of Marine and Coastal Areas in Indonesia, 2023

Seagrass Planting Pilot, 2023

Ocean Acidification landscape research support, 2023

Using transgenesis to produce seagrass plants with enhanced resistance to specific abiotic stressors, 2023

General operating support, 2023

An NGO Alliance to Protect and Extend European MPAs, 2023

In support of the Ocean Defense Initiative, a project of Resources Legacy Fund, 2023

General operating support, 2023

Measuring rapid changes in the carbonate chemistry in seagrass ecosystems, 2023

Advancing electronic monitoring in fisheries via edge-based compute, 2023

Seagrass Restoration landscape research and convening support, 2023

In support of fisheries security and fighting IUUF, 2023

Developing a marine Other Effective Conservation Measures (OECM) Tool, 2023

Pew Lenfest Ocean Program – Managing Protected Areas in a Changing Ocean, 2023

Quantifind/JAC Partnership, 2023

General operating support, 2023

Improving capacity to monitor seagrass extent, cover, and condition for restoration, 2023

Coastal Water Challenge, 2023

Water Innovation Pilot Fund, 2023

Using transgenesis to produce seagrass plants with enhanced resistance to specific abiotic stressors, 2023

General operating support, 2023

General operating support for the NRDC oceans program, 2023

Sharkbots, 2023

General operating support, 2023

Promoting gender equality in coastal natural resource management, 2023

Global and National Blue Carbon Policy, 2023

Ocean-Climate programming, 2023

Improving sustainability of demersal trawl fisheries, 2023

The Oceans Collaborative, 2023

Marine conservation in East Asia, 2023

General operating support, 2023

General operating support, 2023

Development of an improved carbon-negative water recycling and resource recovery process technology, 2022

Exploring uncertainty around carbon emissions associated with bottom trawling, 2022

Water Solutions Fund, 2022

Development of MPABots to strengthen enforcement and detect IUU fishing in MPAs, 2022

Sharks & Rays – CITES Campaign and Implementation, 2022

In support of the Seafood and Fisheries Emerging Technologies (SAFET) conference, 2022

In support of the WWF Pacific Tuna Program, 2022

Indian Ocean Seagrass Mapping, 2022

Marine conservation in Peru, 2022

Tackling sewage pollution and improving water quality in the UK, 2022

Ocean sewage pollution, 2022

Kelp Conservation Initiative, 2022

In support of the High Seas Alliance, a project of the Ocean Foundation, 2022

Marine conservation efforts in Chile, 2022

Island Ocean Connections Longitudinal Study, 2022

Development of genetic markers for seagrass restoration efforts, 2022

Marine Tenure Initiative, 2022

In support of the National Ocean Protection Coalition, a project of Resources Legacy Fund, 2022

Global Transparency Coalition to combat IUU fishing, 2022

In support of Oceans 5, a project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, 2022

Development of hydrophone technology for marine protected area monitoring, 2022

Development of ship navigation radar dataloggers and infrastructure, 2022

General operating support, 2022

Development of real-time classifier of illegal trawl data, 2022

Lab-scale demonstration of energy-positive wastewater treatment, 2021

General operating support, 2021

Nitrogen reduction technology solutions for ocean discharges, 2021

Exploring robotics in marine protected areas, 2021

Remote sensing of illegal bottom trawling on a global scale, 2021

Arctic marine conservation, 2021

In support of the 30×30 Ocean Alliance, a project of Resources Legacy Fund, 2022

Development of technology to reduce bycatch in fishing nets, 2022

Support for the Marine Program, 2022

General operating support for US fisheries, 2021

Acoustophoretic flow cell for nutrient sensing, 2021

Establishment of Oceans North Kalaallit Nunaat, 2021

The MPA Project, 2021

Project support for the Shark Conservation Fund, a project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, 2021

Developing urchin markets, 2021

Urban Water Challenge 2021 and 2022, 2021

Scaling drones for island-marine habitat restoration, 2021

National Marine Conservation Area in Western James Bay and Southwestern Hudson Bay, 2021

In support of the National Ocean Protection Coalition, a project of Resources Legacy Fund, 2021

Program support for the Clean Water program, 2021

Indigenous engagement in the Global Biodiversity Framework, 2021

General operating support for the Ocean Sewage Alliance, a project of Multiplier, 2021

In support of the 30×30 Ocean Alliance, a project of Resources Legacy Fund, 2021

In support of Big Ocean, a project of Ocean Foundation, 2021

30×30 Conference support, 2021

Biodiversity Funders Group program support, 2021

Ocean Rights Program, 2021

Oceans Collaborative, 2021

Xview3 competition, 2021

Establishing the joint analytical cell at Global Fishing Watch, 2021

Building momentum to address ocean sewage polution, 2020

Program support for Global Mangrove Watch, 2020

Kelp conservation initiative, 2020

Program support for scaling electronic monitoring in fisheries, 2020

Empowering indigenous conservation in the Canadian Arctic, 2020

Developing an algal bioreactor to remove nutrients and pathogens from wastewater, 2020

Assessing wastewater inputs into the Mesoamerican reef region, 2020