
Developing SCNR Sensors for nitrogen removal, 2023

Offshore Methane Sensing Evaluation, 2023

Water Innovation Pilot Fund, 2023

Coastal Water Challenge, 2023

Water Solutions Fund, 2022

Development of an improved carbon-negative water recycling and resource recovery process technology, 2022

Ocean sewage pollution, 2022

Tackling sewage pollution and improving water quality in the UK, 2022

Nitrogen reduction technology solutions for ocean discharges, 2021

General operating support, 2021

Lab-scale demonstration of energy-positive wastewater treatment, 2021

Acoustophoretic flow cell for nutrient sensing, 2021

General operating support for the Ocean Sewage Alliance, a project of Multiplier, 2021

Program support for the Clean Water program, 2021

Urban Water Challenge 2021 and 2022, 2021

General operating support, 2020

General operating support, 2020

Solving Hawaii’s Cesspool Problem, 2020

Assessing wastewater inputs into the Mesoamerican reef region, 2020

Developing an algal bioreactor to remove nutrients and pathogens from wastewater, 2020

Building momentum to address ocean sewage polution, 2020

Program support for Clean Water Initiative efforts, 2020

Deploying nitrogen removing biofilters in sensitive coastal communities, 2020

General operating support, focused on sanitary solutions to protect the Kenyan marine environment, 2020

Coastal water pollution Solution Search, 2020

Urban Water Challenge 2020, 2020

Program support for clean water program, 2020

Ocean sewage pollution strategy analysis, 2019

Monitoring water quality in the Mesoamerican Reef, 2020

Mapping hotspots of human sewage input into the ocean globally, 2019

Mapping and groundtruthing wastewater flows into the ocean, 2019