
SeaAhead Blue Swell incubator program support, 2023

Science Engine program support, 2023

Expand Ocean Exchange prize programs and increase program capacity, 2022

Establishment of a co-design lab and test bed for rapid ocean technology development (Synchro), 2022

Ocean Solutions Fund to help fund small ocean projects, a project of Social Good Labs, 2022

MIT Solve’s Resilient Ecosystems Challenge Marine Solutions, 2021

SeaAhead’s Blue Swell incubator program, 2021

Marine and Coastal Horizon Scan 2021, 2020

Ocean Solutions Accelerator, 2020

SeaAhead’s Blue Swell incubator program, 2020

Exploring ocean “sense of place” through social network data, 2019

Marine wildlife vulnerability mapping, 2019

Marine wildlife vulnerability mapping, 2019

Ocean conservation investment and gap analysis, 2018